Sunday Morning Religious Education for Children
At First Unitarian, we celebrate the uniqueness and importance of childhood and adolescence. We strive to support our young people while instilling them with a sense of purpose and value. Children and youth in our program will learn about Unitarian Universalist (UU) history and ideals; information about our Judeo-Christian heritage as well as other world religions; and why we as UUs value social justice so highly. Here’s our programming plan for 2018-19!
Junior Choir, Sundays, 10am
Children and youth kindergarten through eighth grade are invited to be a part of this fun musical group! We sing in the worship service several times during the year and have a great time together!
11:00am Programs
At 11am, the children and youth are divided by age into small groups for learning and spiritual development opportunities. This programming provides for developmentally-appropriate programming.
Childcare. Our children birth through age 2 are lovingly and skillfully cared for by our paid childcare provider and one or more additional volunteers each week.
Preschoolers are participating in a Montessori-based program called Spirit Play. Our Spirit Play program focuses on the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism and will encourage your young UU to consider themselves a part of our UU community.
Kindergarten through second graders are also participating in a Montessori-based program called Spirit Play. This year, our Spirit Play program focuses on the sources of Unitarian Universalism and helps children think about where our church’s tenets come from.
Third through sixth graders will be exploring the concept of power and what we as Unitarian Universalists can do to use our power for a better world. They will be working through a curriculum called “Sing to the Power.”
Seventh through ninth graders will be completing a rite of passage this year: Coming of Age. This program encourages youth to explore what is important in their own spiritual lives and what their personal religious beliefs are. The program also seeks to deepen ties between the youth and their families as well as with other people in the congregation. Be on the lookout for an exhibit of the group’s work at the end of the year.
High School. The youth group meets on Sunday mornings and will be deciding for themselves what kind of curriculum and activities they’d like to do this year. The youth group also has various social outings and service projects.
Forms for RE Leaders:
RE Safety Policy